These awesome procedures produce on their promise to enthused the soul and inspire good health.


This inspiring two hour instructional video Mukti narrates and demonstrates dozens of intriguing supine applications which target the arms and the torso regions.

Easy and elegant manipulations with precision posturing to benefit both practitioner and receiver while also naturally providing the most effective and satisfying results, Mukti gracefully leads the viewer through a 'therapeutic dance exchange', aka marma and channel rejuvenation, to improve the client's all round health and positive emotions.

These awesome procedures produce on their promise to enthused the soul and inspire good health. Learn and go as you will at your own pace, rest assured that you have LIFETIME ACCESS to each and all of the Vedic Conservatory's videos

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Vedic Bodywork and Massage Thai Futon Torso and Arms Two Hours/Two CECs

    • Torso and Arms

    • Futon Torso and Arms