* Rhythmic and Precision Penetration Compressions and comfortable stretch-releases.
* Elegant and Comfortable Stretch-Releases.
* Supportive Organic Theories
* Classical Breathing
* Tratak Meditation [Non sectarian/Non Religious]
* Vedic Anatomy
* Five Element Perspective
* Confident Exchange
* Marma Point Massage
* Complements All Healing Modalities and Massage Styles
* Changes Outdated Cellular Memories
* Oxygenates the Blood
* Improves Vital Circulations of Lymph, Interstitial Fluids, Neurons and Blood
* Releases Muscular Adhesions
* Increases ROM [Range of Motion]
* Cleanses Metabolic Toxicity
* Positively Aligns Posture
* Nationally Approved for 19 Continuing Education Credits
NOTE: Information and instructions are released in two day intervals.
With respect to learning pace including allotted time for the practice of lessons, national education boards have determined to release the education hours in two-day intervals.
Please feel free to contact Mukti for assistance with any of the questions.
Thank You!